Dear Fran

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Free Spirit and Money

Dear Fran what advice can you give to someone like myself who is a “Free Spirit” has difficulty saving, lives in the moment and likes to dream big. What would be important steps to start thinking about my future?


Free Spirit

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Young & Starting Out

Dear Fran, I am in my mid-20’s and my parents continue to encourage me to “Live within my means” Can you please explain that to me?
Young & Starting Out

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Struggling Single Mom

Dear Fran, I’m a 35-year-old single mother of two. I’ve college education. I have a decent job, but expenses seem to pile up. Do you have any advice on how I can prioritize saving for my kids. Sincerely,

Stressed Mom

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Divorce and Financial Independence

Dear Fran, I’m 45 and currently going through a divorce. I’m really worried about my financial situation afterward, especially since I’ve been relying on my husband’s income for years. How can I regain my financial independence and make sure I’m secure moving forward? Sincerely,
Anxious About the Future

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Retirement Catch-Up

Dear Fran, I’m 50 and haven’t saved nearly enough for retirement. Now that I’m getting closer to retirement age, I’m starting to panic. Is it too late for me to catch up, and what can I do to make up for lost time? Sincerely, Late Saver

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Getting Married Soon

Dear Fran, My fiancé and I are getting married soon, and we want to start our relationship on a strong financial footing. What advice would you give us for setting a solid financial foundation? Sincerely, Future Newlyweds

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